Warm summer greeting to all members and supporters of the Upper Keys Business & Professional Women. This month I’m sharing share a brief report* on the recent BPW/Florida state conference.
The 102nd Annual BPW/FL State Conference "Energizing the Future Today!" took place in Fort Lauderdale in early June and nine members of Upper Keys BPW attended. Two of our members exhibited as vendors – Ena Soul/Yoga Keys Life and Erin Hamilton/Hope Wines.
Our Upper Keys Local Organization (LO) won two awards:
- Highest member retention for a local organization with 40+ members
- Highest membership growth for a local organization with 40+ members
Unfortunately, many other BPW organizations across Florida are struggling to grow. Total state membership has been declining over the past several years. A special workshop session focused on that challenge, fleshing out elements of a new strategic plan to reverse that decline.
Several of us from the Upper Keys volunteered for State leadership positions to help execute that plan
- I will serve on the State Executive Committee as the representative for all LO presidents
- Patricia Milian will continue as Chair the state Marketing Committee
- Suzi Youngberg and Margie Smith will serve on committees.
A few other conference highlights:
The state Education Foundation continues to do important work, and Several residents of BPW scholarship houses at FSU and FAU attended the conference. I proudly presented the $275 we raised for the Foundation at our Upper Keys May luncheon.
Members voted in favor of a change to the BPW/FL mission statement: “To achieve equity for working women through education, advocacy and connections.”
Members voted to streamline the state Policy Platform to just 3 planks: Economic Equity, Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency; Health Care; and Voting Rights and Access.
Go online to check out the official conference recap and take a peek at our photos.
Running an all-volunteer organization has always required inspiration, energy and willing members.
If you’d like to get more involved at the state level please let me know. And there's more information about getting involved here in the Upper Keys in the Opportunities section below.
Warm regards,
Jill Kuehnert
Upper Keys BPW President
(305) 767-3928
*Many thanks to Board member Patricia Milian for compiling these notes and sharing them at the June event.