BPW Connection 

February 2024

In this issue: 

President's Message  -- Events -- Opportunities --Member news!

President's Message

Have you heard about the ‘rule of seven’?

Often cited in marketing strategies, this rule says that people need to hear an advertiser’s message at least 7 times before buying a product. (Please don’t make me watch any of those Super Bowl ads seven times!)

I’ve also heard that women need to be asked seven times before making a decision to run for political office.

Some basic internet reading shows that there’s no actual research that backs up this idea. 

But I did find an interesting article about the role of encouragement for women as they consider leadership. This study found that men are more likely to be ‘self-starters’ as they become candidates and women are more likely to be be recruited to run.

The report says “Women need encouragement and support, not only to persuade them to run but also to counter act any efforts aimed at dissuading them from running.”

I’ve been thinking about this a lot because the end of my two-year term as BPW President is approaching. I and others will be asking you to consider becoming more actively involved in our organization.

Maybe you've already been asked – or asked yourself— what you have to offer our community.

I’ll never forget then-President Laura Maupin phoning me to invite me to join the board within the first few months of joining BPW. I said no because I didn’t feel I knew the organization well enough.

But it planted a seed.

So that a few months later when the next BPW President Ilja Chapman asked for committee members, I said yes.

And when that committee project was over, I offered to start a new committee for Marketing. The year after that I joined the Board as Secretary, and well, here I am.

Between that first ask and now, I have been encouraged countless times.

It's not just being told I have a contribution to make. Every time I have doubts about my time, my ability and even about how fun or rewarding it's going to be, someone reminds me that my involvement in BPW matters.

And that’s made all the difference to me.

I don’t know where you are on your journey. Only that somehow, it’s brought you to be reading this newsletter right now.

What encouragement do you need to hear? What can you say yes to that supports working women? 

Let us know and we'll make it happen. Maybe you're ready for a seat on the Board, or one of these committees, or something else that you think could really benefit BPW members.

And if you don’t know right now, it’s okay too.  We’ll ask again!

Warm regards, 


Jill Kuehnert

Upper Keys BPW President

‪(305) 767-3928‬

At last week's BPW Board meeting. Clockwise from Jill's big head: Beth Beligan (new member), Ilja Chapman (past President and Sponsor), Margie Smith (Board member), Paige Connor (program presenter and tech guru), Patricia Milian (Board member), Suzi Youngberg (past President and Nominations chair), Amy Young (Board member), Christina Teasley (Scholarships chair)

Upcoming Events!

February 7 Meetup at Garden Walk

10 am -- Francis Tracy Garden Center, Tavernier

Enjoy the Upper Keys Garden Walk on Saturday Feb. 17 with your BPW sisters. It's our first informal BPW 'Meetup' of 2024, and the second time we've done the walk together. Click here for more information, including how to get your ticket from the Garden Club and stay in the loop with our plans.


February 21: Meet, Mix & Mingle

6 - 8pm -- Mote's Key Largo Coral Nursery

A casual evening to grow your professional network and support working women in the Upper Keys at a very special location: Mote Marine Laboratory's Key Largo Coral Nursery at Reefhouse Resort & Marina. 

Here are three reasons why you should come:

1. Get up close and personal with ocean science happening right here in our backyard!

2. Enjoy a bayside sunset, lovely drinks and tasty snacks from Seaside Eatery while growing your professional network in the Upper Keys!

3. Support BPW's programs to empower women of all ages and stages of their careers through connections, professional development, scholarships and more!

Advance online registration:

$26 per person / BPW members

$32 / Non-members

Thank you to our event host & sponsor:  Mote Marine Laboratory


March 6 Virtual Coffee Chat

8 am -- zoom 

Start your day by sharing something good with fellow BPW members and others in our community!


In case you missed it...

Thanks to everyone who came out for our January luncheon, especially our speakers Pam Martin and Leann Crockett and our sponsor, Russo Law & Mediation. We learned a lot and had fun!!!  Check out the photos here.

Luncheon room

In case you missed it (Part II) ...

Thanks to everyone who came out to the College of the Florida Keys for our January Workshop on Digital Design, especially our presenter Paige Connor and all those who made donations and helped us raise over $700 for our Women's Scholarship Program.

Luncheon room


Give us feedback on the our website!

We're updating our Upper Keys BPW website and need your input.

Click here to take a short survey and let us know how we can make it more useful for you and our community of working women in the Keys!


Join a committee, sit in on the Board

If you would like to get more involved with Upper Keys BPW, consider joining or chairing a committee! Or come to a Board meeting to learn more about what we do.

It's a wonderful way to meet other members, contribute to the community and make the most of your membership. 

Click here to learn more about different committees, including responsibilities and time commitment needed. 


Email blast ads to locals.

Got a new location to promote? An event you want to get the word out? Reach our active mailing list of over 400 members and others in the Florida Keys. 

Our E-Blast prices are as follows:

$20.00 - Members

$35.00 - Non-Members

Purchase your ad in our online store to get the process started. 


To learn more about these opportunities, send an email to BPWUpperKeys@gmail.com or contact one of our Board Members directly.

Member News 

Atta girls!

Erin Muir was recognized as an Unsung Hero by the Community Foundation for her unpaid contributions to the Florida Keys History and Discovery Center. 

Suzi Youngberg started a new job as Vice President of the Key Largo Chamber of Commerce. 

Renewing & returning members

Glad you're still with us!

  • Kate Banick, Good Health Clinic, since 2015
  • Lisa Feliciano, SouthState Bank, since 2013
  • Zayra Fosse, Affinity Group Concepts Inc., since 2022
  • Beverly Heinritz, Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Foundation, since 2022
  • Kinsey Jackson,  The Title Station, Inc., since 2022
  • Erin Muir, Mote Marine Laboratory, since 2023
  • Vivian Morrison, Vivian Morrison Consulting, since 2023
  • Antonia Shusta, since  2021

    New members in January 2024

    Welcome, we can't wait to get to know you!

    • Ashley Bunalski Sol Sipper 

    • Randy Klein-Gross, Ph.D. Lionfish Jewelry & Accessories 2024

    • Jennifer Mason Flancher Apartments, LLC & Time Out Charters, LLC

    • Stephanie Russo Russo Law and Mediation, P.A.


    Fair winds and following seas to those moving on from the Keys!

    • Theresa Sutter: Past BPW Treasurer, Business of the Year and sponsor
    • Courtney Smith (Keys to Nutrition):  BPW event sponsor and speaker


      We Remember with Gratitude

      Patricia 'Pati' Mull (1940-2024)

      Past President of Upper Keys BPW 

      Upper Keys Woman of the Year 1995

      Upper Keys BPW Business of the Year 2005


      Newsletter news!

      Access past issues in our Upper Keys BPW Newsletter Archive.

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