BPW Connection 

May 2024

In this issue: 

President's Message  -- Events -- Opportunities --Member News

 President's Message

Hello, BPW members and friends,

Can you believe it's May already? (Check out this Jimmy Kimmel clip for a funny take on this!)  

For Upper Keys BPW, May is one of the busiest months of the year. SO. MUCH. GOING. ON!

Here's a quick rundown of the most important BPW news this month:

  • Over the past few weeks, the Scholarship Committee, chaired by Christina Teasley, has been busy reviewing applications (17 of them!) and selecting the recipients of our Spring Adult Women's Scholarships. Congratulations to the awardees, who will be announced at our Annual Meeting next week!
  • Speaking of our Annual Meeting, it will take place next Wednesday, May 22, 6-8 p.m., at the Pilot House in Key Largo. In addition to scholarship announcements, the packed agenda includes a Board of Directors report on the past year's highlights and the election and installation of our incoming Board of Directors for 2024-2025. Don't miss this evening of recognition, celebration and connection - you can register here.
  • Speaking of the Board of Directors... the Nominating Committee, chaired by Immediate Past President Suzi Youngberg, has finalized the 2024-2025 Board of Directors slate. To learn about the members who have raised their hands to lead our organization in the coming year, view their profiles here. And if you can, plan to attend next week's Annual Meeting to  congratulate and thank them in person!
  • Also on the agenda for the Annual Meeting is a member vote on the bylaws amendments proposed by the Bylaws Committee, chaired by Patricia Milian. All members were sent an email earlier this week detailing the proposed amendments -- be sure to review them and come prepared to cast your vote! 
  • Also this month, we hit a big milestone in our "Give Hope a Home" campaign to raise $10,000 for the rebuild of the DAS emergency shelter destroyed by Hurricane Irma: After just two months, we are more than two-thirds of the way there! Members and supporters have donated a total of $6,760, leaving just $3,240 to go. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far AND to those who will help us reach our goal in the near future. (You can donate right now by clicking here. No donation is too small!)
  • In addition to local activities, final preparations are being made for the BPW State Conference in Sarasota, June 5-7. Several Upper Keys representatives will be attending, and we would love more members to join us. We have some funds set aside to help cover costs (first come, first served).  If you plan to attend or have questions, send an email to bpwupperkeys@gmail.com

Phew! And as if that weren't enough to juggle in one month, I am currently on a boat in the Caribbean for a week of diving (I am NOT complaining!)... which means my fellow BPW members are filling in the gaps until I return.

So THANK YOU to all of you who made it easier for me to get away without worrying about how all of this would get done! Just one more example of BPW women (and men!) supporting women.

I hope to see you next Wednesday... 

Warm regards, 


Jill Kuehnert

Upper Keys BPW President

‪(305) 767-3928‬

Upcoming Events

May 22 - Annual Meeting

6-8 pm -- Pilot House Restaurant, Key Largo

Join us for an important and fun evening with a program including: 

  • Annual Report on all the ways our members and supporters have empowered working women over the past 12 months
  • Board Election and Installation to lead us in the the future
  • Announcement of our newest Adult Women's Scholarship Awardees


May 16 - Best Practices for Small Businesses
(BPW/FL Webinar)

5 pm -- via Zoom 

Looking to grow your business? There are many things to consider when you move from solo entrepreneur to being an employer. This session will cover items such as hiring (e.g., what should the job description include, or not; how should you approach interviewing, and what questions to ask or not; what to do when onboarding new employees), payroll, when is someone an independent contractor vs. an employee, workman's compensation, and outsourcing. There will be time for questions, so come prepared to learn.

Learn about the speaker, Samantha Bond Richman, President and Founder of Sam Bond Benefit Group, Inc. and register here


June 5 - Virtual Coffee Chat

8 am -- via Zoom 

Start your day by sharing something good with fellow BPW members and others in our community!


Save the Date: June 19 - Networking Night

6-8pm -- Location to come

Grow your personal and professional network and support working women in our community. Watch your email for an invitation and registration details coming soon.


In case you missed it...

What a fun time we had under the Angler House tiki bar for our April networking night, sponsored by Houston Insurance! 

Luncheon room


Help rebuild the Domestic Abuse Shelter

In 2007, the DAS emergency shelter serving the Middle and Upper Keys was destroyed by Hurricane Irma, leaving just one small shelter in the Lower Keys to serve all of Monroe County. Since then, DAS has been on a mission to rebuild... and they need the help of our entire community to make it happen!

That's why Upper Keys BPW recently launched "Give Hope a Home," a campaign to raise $10,000 to sponsor the Business Center at the new shelter. The Business Center will provide workspace, computers, internet access and essential supplies to help domestic abuse survivors from our community find jobs, housing and more.

Amount raised to date: $6,760

Amount needed to reach goal: $3,240

Click here to donate


Attend BPW/FL State Conference

The 103rd BPW/FL State Conference will be held June 5-7 in Sarasota, Florida

Click here to learn more about the agenda and sponsorship opportunities. 

Some expenses will be covered for Upper Keys BPW members who would like to participate. Contact President Jill Kuehnert by replying to this email if you're interested in joining the Upper Keys delegation. 


Get involved and give back:
Join a BPW Committee

If you would like to get more involved with Upper Keys BPW, consider joining or chairing a committee!

It's a wonderful way to meet other members, contribute to the community and make the most of your membership. 

Click here to learn more about BPW committees, including responsibilities and time commitments. 

And if you would like to learn more about what we do and how we do it before jumping in, consider attending an upcoming Board meeting. For a board meeting schedule, send us an email at bpwupperkeys@gmail.com.


Send an email blast to 400+ local residents

Got a business or product to promote? An event you want to get the word out about? Reach our active mailing list of over 400 BPW members and supporters in the Upper Keys. 

E-blast prices are as follows:

$20 - Members

$35 - Non-Members

Purchase your ad in our online store to get the process started. 


To learn more about any of these opportunities, send an email to BPWUpperKeys@gmail.com or contact one of our Board Members directly.

Member News 

Renewing Members

Glad you're still with us!

    • Pam Martin, member since 1981
    • Stephanie Schneider, member since 2022
    • Ruth Schrader-Grace, member since 2015
    • Amy Young, member since 2021
    • Della Wheaton, member since 1991

      New Members in April 2024

      Welcome, we can't wait to get to know you!

      • Jaclyn Kelley, Broker/Owner, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Destinations

      • Dr. Vidhi Patel, Owner, Key Largo Dental Associates

      • Brittany Starek, Senior Business Development and Restaurant Professional, MarginEdge


      Newsletter Archive

      Access past issues in our Upper Keys BPW Newsletter Archive.

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